green eggs and ham and.......
rainbow bacon! chock full of god knows what, so you can't eat it, but still. lookit!
read more here.
[image via ny daily news]
read more here.
[image via ny daily news]
peta would approve.
faux coral centerpieces, napkin rings and pretty much whatever else you want to use this fun stuff for.
see the full how-to here, at design*sponge.
[image via design*sponge]
see the full how-to here, at design*sponge.
[image via design*sponge]
the spires.
"instead of aping a trend, they’ve absorbed their influences..."
this, so aptly put by the folks at music for kids who can't read good, is pretty much exactly what i thought when i first heard the spires' "orange yellow". it's not that you can't hear exactly who they spent their formative years listening to, it's just that they're doing a good enough job that you don't necessarily feel like being snarky and pointing it out right away. (though the byrds/association vibe of some parts of "tam" i have to applaud because i like it so very much)
anyway, i'm going to go check them out live when they play the knockout on 9/10. i bet there is lots to be revealed. until then, hear more here.
[mp3 via mfkwcrg/photo by elliot glass via the band]
this, so aptly put by the folks at music for kids who can't read good, is pretty much exactly what i thought when i first heard the spires' "orange yellow". it's not that you can't hear exactly who they spent their formative years listening to, it's just that they're doing a good enough job that you don't necessarily feel like being snarky and pointing it out right away. (though the byrds/association vibe of some parts of "tam" i have to applaud because i like it so very much)
anyway, i'm going to go check them out live when they play the knockout on 9/10. i bet there is lots to be revealed. until then, hear more here.
[mp3 via mfkwcrg/photo by elliot glass via the band]
i'm in a very specific mood today...
so i've been listening to ersen all morning. it really does interesting things to my general day's outlook. see how turkish psychedelia works for you.
opposite day.
floor on the ceiling. if nothing makes sense, then everything makes sense. love it.
[image from harper and sandilands via apartment therapy]
[image from harper and sandilands via apartment therapy]
i didn't even need more reasons to love raphael saadiq...
but then he made this sweet spinners' cover and just acted like a generally cool guy.
check out more of the levi's pioneer series (including passion pit covering the smashing pumpkins) here. his
and for more of why i like raphael, check out this video. his resume is awesome, also.
[photo via levi's]
check out more of the levi's pioneer series (including passion pit covering the smashing pumpkins) here. his
and for more of why i like raphael, check out this video. his resume is awesome, also.
[photo via levi's]
raphael saadiq,
the spinners,
worthy covers
daily dose of omg, omg so cute.
bringing year of the tiger to the next level.
read/see more about this fad here.
[photos via china foto press]
read/see more about this fad here.
[photos via china foto press]
omg omg so cute
daily dose of handmade.
check out these handmade, awesome, dead stock pendleton fabric-covered pillows by the multi-talented kara green. they're all made with limited edition fabric and are one of a kind. they're also unbelievably sturdy (i have the "square clarence" ) and can instantly brighten a whole room. get one!

see them featured here on daily candy nyc.....

see them featured here on daily candy nyc.....
daily dose of handmade,
i get it, ok?
yes, i have accepted the fact that tame impala's innerspeaker is going to end up on every best album of 2010 blog on the internets. i get it. i like psych-gaze-drone-pop as much as the next guy. i even sent the record to a bunch of people i share music with when i first got it. but don't ya think, and call me biased if you want, darker my love did the same thing, just at the wrong time?
in honor of the last game of the finals.
check out the fruit bats covering hall and oates' "one on one" (a.k.a. the original ode to love and basketball)
[for more a.v. undercover covers...they're doing 25 in all, most of which have nothing whatsoever to do with basketball....check out the episodes here]
[for more a.v. undercover covers...they're doing 25 in all, most of which have nothing whatsoever to do with basketball....check out the episodes here]
they're just grey doves.
pigeons somehow manages to capture french whimsey in english, and i guess that's why i like them.
check out this new video for "fade away" and then check out a nice lil' write-up about them via chocolate bobka here.
pigeons - "fade away"
(via chocolate bobka)
check out this new video for "fade away" and then check out a nice lil' write-up about them via chocolate bobka here.
pigeons - "fade away"
(via chocolate bobka)
this isn't new, but it's cool. and it involves ryan gosling, which is a 1.5 star enhancer of just about anything. it's dead man's bones.
since supposedly neither ryan nor his pal zach shields knew how to play any instruments before they decided to make a band, their produced shit is superior, but i bet it's alright live too. if nothing else, they're both top-tier good looking. so there's that.
since supposedly neither ryan nor his pal zach shields knew how to play any instruments before they decided to make a band, their produced shit is superior, but i bet it's alright live too. if nothing else, they're both top-tier good looking. so there's that.
dr. dre is finally releasing detox, which has been in the works since 2003. check out the leaked single "under pressure (feat. jay z)" here via we all want someone.
oh, and get yourself back in the mood with this goodie.
oh, and get yourself back in the mood with this goodie.
banjo or freakout.
some of their videos tell me they're silly. oh yea, and their name too. but i like this song. and if you do too, go here for more.
the bramble.
for obvious reasons, i immediately chose this drink the first time i went to the starlight room. apparently i am ever so hip (without knowing it, of course, since knowing it would totally defeat it, unless i was being ironic...right? wait....fuck. now i forget.), since the NYT style mag now says it's THE drink (and included a recipe for your puckering pleasure). maybe i should start saying i named bramble after the "simple and immensely likable" drink "that’s been called England’s cosmopolitan - without the S.A.T.C. taint." ahhhh, pedantry.
[photo via tony cenicola/the new york times]
[photo via tony cenicola/the new york times]
way to go, science.
iron-on patches (to your clothes, not your pits, of course) that eliminate b.o.
read more about these [awesome/nonsensical/awkward/?] things here via ecouterre.
read more about these [awesome/nonsensical/awkward/?] things here via ecouterre.
definitely more of an ocean than a lake.
check out l.a.'s bodies of water. they're a mixed bag of octave meshing, spooky, intricate instrumenting, and a whole bunch of i don't know what else. i have a crush on "ever with us" right now. hear it. and then hear more here.
[photo by dennis wisse via the band]
[photo by dennis wisse via the band]
i love tennis.
in many ways, but the kind i mean is the kind that's made up of a hubby and wife from denver who make fuzzy cheerpop that i want to sip through a straw. check out "marathon" especially. it's lovely.
top model.
35 years and 100,000 toothpicks.
learn more about this insane toothpick model of sf @ laughing squid.
[image via apartment therapy]
learn more about this insane toothpick model of sf @ laughing squid.
[image via apartment therapy]
it's casual.
so even though i'm kinda pissed at here we go magic today since i just got an e-mail refunding my $$ and telling me that their 7/28 gamh show with one of my new obsessions, beach fossils, was cancelled (and...seems to be the only cancellation on the tour...wtf?), i still have to share the swoony, glittery track "casual" that's floating around off their new record "pigeons" (out on secretly canadian on 6/8).
check out "casual" w/ a little write-up via mokb.
[photo by ben ritter via the band]
check out "casual" w/ a little write-up via mokb.
[photo by ben ritter via the band]
all saints day
last night was the first EVER all saints day show (side project of vivian girls bass player katy goodman and cat power keyboard player gregg foreman) at the independent. they were super awesome. kind of a slowed down, reverb-y, shoegazy version of the vivian girls, but that doesn't really even do it.
AND they played a cover of "age of consent"! i died.
i saw katy walk by after their set and i told her i really liked the show, especially the badass new order cover, and that i also loved the vivian girls when i saw them with best coast a few months ago. and instead of being an aloof, too-cool-for-me hipster, she hugged me. i've got her back forever now.
their 7" "it'll come around" is out on art fag soon. you can also hear and download two songs here via we all want someone.
AND they played a cover of "age of consent"! i died.
i saw katy walk by after their set and i told her i really liked the show, especially the badass new order cover, and that i also loved the vivian girls when i saw them with best coast a few months ago. and instead of being an aloof, too-cool-for-me hipster, she hugged me. i've got her back forever now.
their 7" "it'll come around" is out on art fag soon. you can also hear and download two songs here via we all want someone.
stevie nicks and i have the same birthday.
which has absolutely nothing to do with my love of fleetwood mac, but since the only other person i can think of is lenny kravitz, i like to bring it up. anyway, i digress. vampire weekend is the latest to cover fm. check out "everywhere" here via indie shuffle.
check out a couple more fm covers by some of our faves here via heart attack blog.
(image via amoeblog)
check out a couple more fm covers by some of our faves here via heart attack blog.
(image via amoeblog)
if you don't like this, you don't even get me, ok?
avi buffalo - what's in it for?
hear more avi buffalo here. i'll try to ignore the fact that they're going to FRESNO and not coming here. for now.
the opposite of noise pollution.
check out light pollution's new "drunk kids" video via my old kentucky blog.
then check out more info and another track here (they had me at the "beatles or stones?" answer) and here as you prepare for the release of their album "apparitions" and the show they're gonna play for us @ rickshaw stop (w/aptbs!!!!!!) on 6/20.
then check out more info and another track here (they had me at the "beatles or stones?" answer) and here as you prepare for the release of their album "apparitions" and the show they're gonna play for us @ rickshaw stop (w/aptbs!!!!!!) on 6/20.
bringing new meaning to romance language.
dirty little secret has remixed an already worthy sebastien tellier song. check the new "sexuality" out here via indie shuffle.
and see below for a couple of my all time fave tellier tracks.
and see below for a couple of my all time fave tellier tracks.
seeing stars.
another track is available from the forthcoming "the five ghosts" by the most adorable bss side project. ok, maybe feist is more adorable. check out "wasted daylight" here, via we all want someone to shout for.
there's been little more than sweet vids and songs posted the last couple days. i've been a little one-track-minded, and good news: i've given you tons of scavenging homework to do. now get to it or you're grounded.
as much as i want to stick them all on latfh.com...
they are good. lots of people are making arcade fire comparisons. not sure if i'm ready to go there yet, but they are dissing us in their upcoming tour.....much like some french canadians i know. you decide.
++gnar points for covering kate bush in the first place.
wild nothing is on repeat for me. check out his cover of kate bush's "cloudbusting" and you'll probably make yourself sick on it too.
you're an asshole, johnny.
check out the creepiest psa ever, thanks to ashleigh nankivell's remixing of an already weird 60's era manners lesson.
helping johnny remember from ashleigh nankivell
helping johnny remember from ashleigh nankivell
filed under music to be happy to.
not new, but summer is the time to be reminded of 60's style-chamber pop-melody lovers gigi.
check them out.
(image via the band by michelle mayne)
check them out.
(image via the band by michelle mayne)
and listen to the librarians.
check out this awesomely accurate review, including riyl's by mike @ obscure sound and then check out the three tracks after the jump. "cranberry palace" is especially twinkly and awesome. p.s. yea, yea, yea i know they edge a little too far in on animal collective sometimes, but give them a break.
(image via the band)
check out this awesomely accurate review, including riyl's by mike @ obscure sound and then check out the three tracks after the jump. "cranberry palace" is especially twinkly and awesome. p.s. yea, yea, yea i know they edge a little too far in on animal collective sometimes, but give them a break.
(image via the band)
ay bee see dee.
look at these awesomely simple bags and coin purses by alphabet bags.

they also have a sweet summer collection that will make you happy, no matter how heavy your groceries are.

they also have a sweet summer collection that will make you happy, no matter how heavy your groceries are.
yellow fever.
check out yellow fever here. they're label mates on wild world with vivian girls, but to me sound more like delta 5 than the garagy punk bands the vivian girls seem to love (see, i.e., the slits).
this project is awesome and easy and makes some very pretty things. see the up-close how-to here.
(via p.s. i made this)
(via p.s. i made this)
afternoon danish.
if amy winehouse never smoked, did drugs and was from denmark, she might sound more like this. good thing she did that, though, because we need her around too.
Quadron "Pressure" from Plug Research on Vimeo.
more here.
(thanks rybotron)
Quadron "Pressure" from Plug Research on Vimeo.
more here.
(thanks rybotron)
twin blackbird sister blackbird.
check out the blackbird blackbird remix of twin sister's "lady daydream" at the top of their tumblr page. it makes me want to lay in the sun on the verge of an amazing nap.
animal language.
yet another reason that lou reed is the ultimate shit. ..he and wifey laurie are having a concert just for dogs at the sydney opera house.
find out how to make these succulent tea lights (sounds sexy huh?) here.
photos by greg scheidemann via readymade
that's cool, arcade fire. we'll still love you.
arcade fire released us tour dates for the first time since neon bible and they aren't coming to sf. i die. too bad they know the snub will only make me want them harder. plus i can't be that mad since they're giving $$ from the tix to partners in health.
check out a full version (with lyrics) of their new single "the suburbs" here.
photo via af.
check out a full version (with lyrics) of their new single "the suburbs" here.
photo via af.
check out mayer hawthorne's version of "i left my heart in san francisco". he rules my universe.
after that, watch this video and he will rule yours too.
after that, watch this video and he will rule yours too.
i think they like the beach boys.
the magic kids played with girls back in february and now they're opening for ariel pink's haunted graffiti and pearl harbor in july. check out the "video" below for some melodic jangle to brighten your day.
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