
sharon jones and the dap kings.

i admit, i have a magnetic tendency towards all things motown, but this band is amazing independent of all that. i have loved them since i saw them live (incredible!!!!!) @ the warfield last year. they have a newish record that you should get. check out a good review of it here via aquarium drunkard and a sample from it here via pma

then have a taste of an older song and a shuggie otis cover from dark was the night below.


white wine.

this blog is pretty amusing. and embarassing.

fake science.

go here and have a laugh!

rather be a bandit than a lover.

Little Dragon - Feather from Nate Guerrero on Vimeo.


check out grizzly bear covering paul simon here via hype machine.

two sevens.

i liked this painting (acrylic on wood) from the getgo, but even more so after someone asked if it was a painting of me. check out more of these tattoo girl pieces and other art (paint/print/photo) by bay area artist matthew mcgowan (a.k.a. two sevens) here.

what ariel pink listens to.

check out this international oddball mix (track list and download link mid-page) he made for fact magazine.

a different kind of dog.

small black: despicable dogs from
yoonha park on vimeo.

if you just ignore the lipsyncing and cheesy gestures,

you'll realize this is one of the best dusty songs EVER.


beach fossils...

are one of my faves these days. i can stay in my surf phase but then they throw in a little new order so i feel like i'm diversifying. (by listening to what i already know i like, but mixed in with other stuff i already know i like? i don't know.) hear more here.

yes. we have turmeric. and i know exactly where it is.

get ye some chalkboard paint and.....


via apartment therapy 

(Image: Apartment Therapy Spring Cure member NEGS26, from the Home Cure Flickr Pool)



and even more.

i saw best coast with the vivian girls @ bottom of the hill in february. it was bethany's first show in sf and it was awesome. check them out.

in the mood for 60's influenced twinkly surf stuff?

see family trees, please

(image by emily searle)

daily dose of handmade.

my friend kellie screenprints posters and cards and calendars. i think you should buy a bunch of her stuff so she can just print all day and not go to work. check her website out here. and her etsy shop out here.

(images via klmprints)

happy ouch.

check out sprained ankles now! esp. the track "tell me softly". so good.

(image via the band)


wanna get creeped out hard?

i read this article about issei sagawa, a japanese cannibal who talks about fileting and eating women with scary tranquility, when it was first in vice. sometimes i still think about it, but i have no one around to talk about it with. so read it. and don't forget the second part.


daily dose of omg, omg, so cute.

© cq 2010

enough said.

© cq 2010

wild beasts.

at the independent. february 2010.

© cq 2010


check out these daydreamers. more here. all good.

bottled up.

our assortment of oils and vinegars is the opposite of streamlined, but this DIY project solves all.

 make your bottles pretty too.
see how HERE.  
(image via design*sponge)

the artist is present.

before the 77 day project ends on 5.31, check out a live video feed of marina abramović's exhibit at moma.......here.

for lots more info on and cool pictures of marina and her decades of performance art, check out this huffpo article.

thee oh sees.

these folks live on my block, so it's cool to see stuff like this. even though i see them getting coffee lots of times a week, maybe you haven't seen them lately, so see this.

Untitled from Jonathan Smith on Vimeo.

(via vice mag)

in flagranti

and check out this sweet remix, too. (via bigstereo)


lo-fi fuzz from costa rica.

this is so up my alley it's not even funny.

listen listen!

<a href="http://lasrobertas.bandcamp.com/album/cry-out-loud">Street Feelings by Las Robertas</a>

check out the rest of the robertas' "cry out loud"  here.

chris cunningham please make some more music videos.

this song never gets old.

and they have a new-ish record that doesn't disappoint. maybe when they're done dilly dallying in asia and europe they'll come here again.

wolf parade, stars and cults.

 track reviews of new singles from all three.

check it out at music for kids who can't read good.

this is an in store, not a riot.


good ol' music.

listen to the parliaments.

 via soul-sides.com

flowers that won't die and dry up and get really ugly.

check out the how-to here.

image via design*sponge/david stark/west elm

karen is my hero.

and her blog, the art of doing stuff, is incredible.

stick it to......whatever.

finally, all your answers about how to glue this thing to that thing. enjoy.

daily dose of omg, omg, so cute.

look at those jowls. come on.

© cq 2010

a new mix from the marmalade forest.

bobkast #32 so i can fly

here is the original post on chocolate bobka (with tracklist and download link)

getting to know jack.

kirsten dunst and kristen stewart will be starring in the one and only ffc's adaptation of 'on the road'

stop throwing your corks away today.

and make this!

 check out the very basic "instructions" here.

image by bird2cat1fish

soundtrack for my ethereal moment of the day.

desolation wilderness is one of my faves, especially as of late because they broke up and i like to torture myself by listening to them and knowing i'll never see them live.

check a smattering of their whimsy out here. and in particular, pay attention to "moon dreams". it makes me feel gooey. 


that whole ariel pink thing reminds me....

indulge me in a taste test:


i love lo-fi and ariel pink and all....

but one of the older versions of "bright lit blue skies" by the rising storm kills his.  check it out mid-page here. (there's a little "heat wave" in there, huh?)   next, this version by the rockin' ramrods.

and then, for posterity, listen to this version to get ready for ap and the haunted graffitis' tour...
(if you dare)

where can we go when the lights are low?

coming to sf
rickshaw stop, june 17.

keep control of your donkey.

filed under things that make me wanna.

darker my dudes.

my friends, darker my love, are going on tour with band of horses in the uk this summer. they're getting ready to throw down their new record, which means they'll probably be in these parts again soon. so brush up, kids. ok?

photo by Timothy Norris

shout out time.

i am a super supporter of jess of epheriell designs...

not only does she hand make (to order!) all of her amazing eco-friendly jewelry, she is super sweet and accessible. and she wraps everything in the most adorable little packages.

go check out her shop on etsy. please.you won't be disappointed.


raddest bitch of the west.

I posted this with BlogPress from my iPhone. xo


i thought muzak was less muzak-y than it used to be....

electro shoegaze.

not a novel concept, necessarily, but pretty well executed by l.a. band letting up despite great faults.*

*[says pitchfork, "layering lush synth and a shimmering New Order guitar tone, "Steps" prettily evokes the tipping point from full bloom to slow decay, as the warm summer days give way to a wet, windy fall."]

the conflicted existence of a female porn writer.

(a particularly good one, i think) 


some of us are not so design savvy.

but luckily, you can make free flash sites here.

and then maybe one day you can make amazing flash videos like this one.



el corazon.

by gavin worth.

I posted this with BlogPress from my iPhone. xo

burano, venice, italy.

 © cq 2010

shadow family.

© cq 2010

it's hard not to show this dude off.

p.s. if you want to foster or adopt a dog from taiwan (like bramble) check out all the pups waiting for you at ahan. (there is a super adorable little girl named jolie there who looks just like bram did when he was a baby)

coffee alternative.

 click here to download "a mix of feelgood funk for a friend desperate for music that could stop him feeling cranky in the mornings"
via seewhatyouhear

heaven sent.

"vintage shops fall into two camps: kitschy (She-Ra lunchbox) or high fashion (Chanel handbag), but rarely do those two meet. [UNTIL NOW]"

go visit afterlife.
[988 valencia St/bw 21st & liberty]

via daily candy

easy being green.

copyright ork inc.

get yer own here.

scientology term or german techno artist?

take the quiz here.

(via mentalfloss)

this is one of my favorite blogs.


in particular...i love the DIY section found here.

insta hello.

polaroid notes. set of 20 different cards and envelopes.

photo by Oh Joy

not your grandpa's toolkit.

raphael morgan's "cutlery toolkit"

add, subtract, remorph at will.

loving this plate wall.

(image via designsponge)


This is the blog of Iso Rabins. Forager and founder of forageSF, a wild foods CSF/community in San Francisco

(image via foragesf)


 (image via mocoloco)


my bestest friend showed me this blog today and it made me laugh out loud.


(pic courtesy of allie of the aforementioned blog)


bangs sticking in your mascara? unsteady hand?
this video will help.

a labour of love.

Since there is lots of lavender growing wild in various places around the hood, this little project seems especially DYI-able.


bramble takes the train.

I posted this with BlogPress from my iPhone. xo

in the mission.

I posted this with BlogPress from my iPhone.